
Donate and support earthquake victims through giro 555 Turkey and Syria


A week ago, a massive earthquake hit Turkey and Syria. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and injured. "It is a terrible disaster for everyone affected," said Inholland college board chairman Bart Combee earlier. If you wish to help victims of the earthquake, you can donate via Giro 555.

"We know that some of our students and colleagues have family or friends in the region where the earthquake hit. The earthquake has greatly affected their family, friends and personal situation. We sympathise with them during this difficult time," Bart said. “The victims need urgent help, and on this national day of action, we 'd like to draw attention to this cause. There are several initiatives to offer support to the people in the disaster area."

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-14 at 11.00.46

Fundraiser in The Hague 
For example, Inholland The Hague held a fundraising campaign to send necessary goods to the disaster area. Lecturer Barış Altınöz (Creative Business) is from Turkey himself. Shocked by the news, he and his colleague Senna Driessen immediately jumped into action. "It went very quickly. Within two hours, we had the promotional material, permission from our managers and arranged students to help. In three days, we collected a lot of clothes, diapers, hygiene products and blankets. We also encouraged people to donate." In the end, several trucks of supplies went to the affected areas this weekend.

'Send money, not supplies' 
"We would like to encourage everyone to donate mainly financially and stop sending supplies," Barış says. "We have a saying in Turkey: 'drop by drop - a whole lake becomes'. Big or small, any amount can make a difference. Please donate!"

Are you organising help for victims of the earthquake like Baris and Senna? Let us know and we will include it in this post. If you have any questions or concerns, raise the issue within your team or class. Or walk in to the Student Success Centre or go to a student counsellor. If you want to support victims of the earthquake, you can donate via Giro 555.

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