Find out the meaning of the definitions used in the Erasmus+ programme.
One academic year consists of 60 ECTS credits and is divided in four terms (or 2 semesters). A term consists 15 ECTS credits and a semester consists 30 ECTS credits. Semester 1 is the Fall/Winter semester and Semester 2 the Spring/Summer semester.
Term 1 (15 ECTS credits) | end of August - beginning of November |
Term 2 (15 ECTS credits) | beginning of November - end of January |
Term 3 (15 ECTS credits) | end of January - beginning of April |
Term 4 (15 ECTS credits) | beginning of April - beginning of July |
ECTS means European Credit Transfer System. 1 ECTS credit represents 28 hours of study.
Inholland University of Applied Sciences is divided into 6 faculties. The faculties offer exchange programmes at the different locations.
Please note that to follow an exchange programme at a certain faculty and location, your university has to have an agreement with that specific location and faculty.
There are many different grading systems in the world. In the Netherlands a ten point system is used in both secondary and higher education whereas 10 is the highest grade, 6 the minimum pass and 1 the lowest grade. The final result will be rounded off to a whole grade (4,5 or higher is a 5; 5,5 or higher is a 6, etc.). In the Netherlands, a 10 is hardly ever awarded, the most commonly awarded grade is a 7.
More information on the Dutch grading scheme and grade distribution
In a learning agreement you specify the courses you would like to follow at Inholland. Your home university should provide you with a learning agreement before you depart or you can download it from our website. Make sure you complete and sign this and have it signed by your home university co-ordinator and by the co-ordinator at Inholland. This guarantees that both universities agree with the courses you selected. When you successfully complete your study programme (as approved in the learning agreement), your credits will be transferred to your home university.
A course is a fixed programme of 15 or 30 ECTS credits. Some courses consist of part 1 and part 2 and you are required to follow either both parts or you have to follow part 1 to be able to do part 2.
Per semester you can gain a set amount of 30 ECTS credits. A semester consists of 2 terms, so if you stay for a semester you have to choose 15 ECTS credits per term. When you attend semester 1, you should choose one course for term 1 and one for term 2. When you attend semester 2, you should choose a course for term 3 and one for term 4. Some courses run for 2 terms and this means that you have to follow this course for both terms.
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