Sustainable urban tourism leading to flourishing city-destinations
With the substantial rise in popularity of city tourism in recent times, the urgent question facing cities today is how to design and develop urban tourism in a sustainable way that leads to flourishing city destinations? This question has become only more relevant in the light of COVID-19: the Corona pandemic forced the tourism system to stop in its tracks, which may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for tourism to re-invent itself and 'build back better’. But doing so will require new ways of thinking about tourism and its role in contemporary cities.
The inaugural lecture elaborates on this topic by reframing tourism as an integral part of city development. It forms the start of Ko’s research line New Urban Tourism, which focuses on the sustainable design and development of urban tourism and aims to re-vitalise urban areas, bringing benefits to the broad spectrum of city stakeholders. The research line is closely aligned with Inholland’s Living Labs in Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
Want to know more about Ko's vision? Then please have a look at this article.
Steden houden zich al een tijd bezig met de vraag: hoe kan stedelijk toerisme op een duurzame manier worden ontwikkeld en vormgegeven, zodat het leidt tot bruisende stadsbestemmingen? In zijn lectorale rede op 2 juni bekeek Ko Koens stedelijk toerisme vanuit een systemisch perspectief en de mogelijkheden die dit biedt om op nieuwe manieren naar stedelijke toeristische ontwikkelingen te kijken. |