The three-year Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2 (SEDY2) project encourages inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for youth with a disability by raising their sports and exercise participation in inclusive settings. At the end of the project, we shared the results internationally and discussed future implications at our SEDY2 final conference on Thursday 8 December 2022 in Haarlem, the Netherlands.
This conference consisted of Keynote presentations, a round table discussion, as well as interactive workshops on the meaning of inclusion, international inclusion best practices and the use of educational materials.
Please find the full programme and workshop information below.
We are looking back at a very successful event. Take a look at what we accomplished together!
"My role is to get you thinking. To give you a slightly different perspective on inclusion in sports, that hopefully generates critical thinking and discussion." At our Final Conference, Peter Downs was one of our guest speakers. Peter is the Founding Director of The Inclusion Club and Manager of Play by the Rules – an Australian initiative to promote safe, fair and inclusive sport. Watch his keynote presentation to learn more about his vision on inclusion in sport.
How to include young people with a disability in research?
What are best practices in the international field of inclusion in sport and how can we learn from each other?
Introduction of the SEDY2 educational materials and guidelines for educators how to use this material