SEDY Project Logo

Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2

The Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2 (SEDY2) project encourages inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for youth with a disability by raising their sports and exercise participation in inclusive settings. Throughout this project, youth with a disability have been constantly involved. On this project page you can find the results of our focus group research on the theme of inclusion in sport, as well as the practical instruments and interventions of the Sport Participation and INclusion (SPIN) tool and educational materials for (future) sport professionals. 

The SEDY2 Final Conference

The SEDY2 Final Conference was held on Thursday 8 December 2022 in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

Take a look on the conference page


Inclusion in sport

Perspectives of youth with a disability, their parents and sport professionals on inclusion in sport are shown in this video. This video was made possible by Inholland Centre of Expertise Preventie in Zorg & Welzijn.

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1 Perspectives

Inclusion in sport

To encourage inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for youth with a disability, it is essential to understand the meaning of inclusion in sport in practice for this group. Therefore, we conducted focus group interviews with youth with a disability, their parents and sport professionals in Finland, Lithuania, Portugal and the Netherlands.  

Click here to read more about the focus group results

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Based on the results of the focus group interviews, the Sport Participation and INclusion (SPIN) tool was developed. This tool consists of several practical instruments and interventions to help professionals provide inclusive sport opportunities for youth with a disability. 

Click here to access the SPIN tool

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Educational materials 

The focus group interviews and the SPIN tool also form the basis of our educational materials for (future) sport professionals and volunteers. The educational materials consist of interactive videos, texts, digital quizzes, and additional materials for teachers.  

Click here to learn more about the learning module

News from SEDY

Project partners

The research is led by Inholland University of Applied Sciences and was conducted in four countries (Finland, Lithuania, Portugal and the Netherlands). The partners involved in the project are a mix of organisations and complement each other in both knowledge and field experience: four universities, four sport federations, one European umbrella-organisation. The partners of the project are:

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"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."


Get in touch with Vera Dekkers
