In the first part of the module, the student performs four treatment planning exercises. In addition, participants are also required to work on a detailed case study, which forms part of the course assessment. During the online group sessions, participants present the results of their (treatment planning) tasks and each presentation is followed by a discussion period.
In the second part of the module, the skills of the participants are deepened by five patient cases that are definitely more complex: for instance more dose levels, hypo-fractionated dose schemes. In this second part, the participants are challenged to explore the potential of their treatment planning systems. Apart from the case specific meetings meetings there will be vendor specific meetings scheduled. During the second part participants complete their case study paper and the second part of the assessment, a portfolio of all the performed tasks and some clinical work.
The meetings are organized in an hybrid form. So, the participants can join physically or remotely using Microsoft Teams.
The module is organized by the Inholland University of Applied Sciences in corporation with it’s research group Medical Technology. The module directors are Ingrid Kuijper, Emmy Lamers, Nuno Rodrigues, and Jelle Scheurleer. The teaching faculty consists of radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and radiation therapy technologists from various centers in The Netherlands.
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