Proton Therapy Treatment Planning Course

Curriculum Proton Therapy Treatment Planning Course

In this course, participants will engage in a series of hands-on exercises and interactive discussions to enhance their understanding of proton treatment planning. Throughout the course, participants will have remote access to Raystation (Raysearch) treatment planning software at Inholland University, enabling them to complete assignments and assessments. The course consists of four treatment planning exercises that allow participants to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting. Participants will have the opportunity to work on a detailed patient case, which will contribute to their final assessment. Additionally, the course will include online and/or hybrid group sessions where participants can share their treatment planning outcomes and engage in meaningful discussions.

During the five hybrid/online meetings, different clinical cases will be presented, focusing on various aspects of proton treatment planning, including physical, radiobiological, medical, technical, image-guidance, and uncertainties. Prior to each session, participants will be required to prepare a proton plan using the remote proton planning software and complete self-study tasks such as reading interactive documents and watching weblectures. During the meetings, participants will present their planning results and actively participate in discussions with fellow participants, the course moderator, and clinical experts. These interactive assignments will further deepen participants' understanding of proton treatment planning and stimulate collaborative learning within the other participants. By the end of this Proton Treatment Planning Course, participants will have gained valuable hands-on experience, enhanced their knowledge of proton planning characteristics, and developed critical thinking skills through engaging with clinical cases and interactive assignments. Join us on this exciting learning journey as we explore the intricacies of proton treatment planning together!

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