The Hague,

Interactive Media and Justice-themed Community Day at Inholland The Hague

On January 13th, the students of the Sustainable Media Lab transformed their final projects from the semester into an interactive Media and Justice-themed Community Day. 

Hosted in the Mauritszaal of Inholland The Hague, stakeholders from our internal and external learning community joined our students to explore how media facilitates or impedes the quest for justice,  how  it  can  connect  or disconnect  society,  and  ultimately,  what  role  it  plays  in supporting the values of The Hague, the city of peace and justice. Our teams of students presented interdisciplinary and creative solutions centered  on the theme of Media and Justice, working closely with our stakeholders from The Municipality of The Hague, The Hague Humanity Hub, and Beeld & Geluid Den Haag.

Aftermovie Community Day
Aftermovie Community Day SML_Jan 2023

Showcased projects
Curious to know what kind of projects were showcased? Here are a few examples!

The Star Dust student team developed a media kit about the importance of safe digital storage for journalists in conflict areas. During the community day, visitors participated in a quiz and an interactive VR experience to build awareness and empathy among our learning network.

The Social Media and Justice League student team developed educational materials to help teach young students media literacy skills. During the community day, this team created a playful gamified journey for visitors to test their own skills with identifying fact from fiction.

The Pop-up Podcast student team launched their investigative podcast about current trends in Sustainable Media. You can listen here to the first episodes on Misinformation and Algorithmic Bias.

Interested in learning more about our Sustainable Media Lab or joining us for future events? Reach out to: