Associate degree Electronic Music (ENG) full-time

The audition consists of three rounds

Audition for Associate degree Electronic Music

The audition focuses on your musicality, creativity and your skills regarding music production. The audition consists of 3 rounds:

  1. pre-selection;
  2. audition round 1;
  3. audition round 2.

You shall receive your result via email, after completing every round.

Three audition rounds



In order to participate in the auditions, you will first need to start your application in Studielink. All necessary pre-selection criteria must be submitted before the 23rd of February 2025. Here are the steps you need to go through:

  1. Sign up via Studielink.
  2. Log in with your Inholland student address and password on the Selfservice page.
  3. Press ‘Enrolment’.
  4. Press ‘Audition’ ór the action button next to ‘Admittance after selection’.
  5. Press ‘Audition Form’ and fill in the form.
  6. Press ‘Send’.

During the application process you will be asked to provide us with the following:

1 recent passport/portrait photo

2 recent music productions. Including a short production report for both productions (1/2 A4 maximum) where you explain how the production was created and which techniques were used.

1 short essay (1/2 A4 maximum) which describes how active you have been in the music industry (such as releases, label signings, stream stats, contracts, live shows, future plans etc.)

1 short video presentation (3 minutes maximum, phone recording is accepted) in which you say something about the following subjects:

  • What does music mean to you?
  • How do you see your future within the music industry/what is your goal?
  • Name your favourite producers/artists and explain your choices.
  • Explain which events and experiences were significant, in shaping how you are now involved in music.

Audition round 1

Audition round 1

This audition round consists of 2 parts. Both shall be assessed during the same session:

  1. You will be tested on the development potential of your musical hearing. You will receive a number of short assignments, for which musical theoretical knowledge is not necessary.
  2. You will receive a number of questions about your motivation with regard to following the course and your music career.

Audition round 2

Audition round 2

This audition round consists of 4 parts, which shall be assessed during 2 sessions:

  1. Practical assignment & questions;
  2. Presentation & questions.

1. Practical assignment (3 hours):
During this practical assignment, you and some fellow candidates will work on a production assisted by an E-music student.

Questions (10 - 15 mins):
A conversation will take place in response to your presentation.

2. Presentation (5 - 10 mins):
You present yourself to the committee, demonstrating who you are as an artist and/or producer (ambition, performances, releases, network, etc.). Think carefully about what you consider important for us to know about you. Additionally, you will play 1-minute snippets of your 2 most representative tracks, one of which must be played live from your DAW.

Questions (5 - 10 mins)
A conversation will take place in response to your presentation.


You can contact us in a number of ways.

023-522 3228